Have you ever gotten those questions that have you in a slight panic as you search through all your speechie knowledge for the answer? ” When should they start using pronouns?”, ” When should they have this sound?”, etc. Here are some great quick reference resources that you can go to when these questions come up.
1. Linguisystems Milestone Guide
2. Sublime Speech Developmental Norms of Elementary Students
4. Articulation Development Chart
These are all FREE references too! I recommend taking a look and seeing what will help you. Print them out and keep them in a binder. Remember there is nothing wrong with not knowing the answer off the top of your head, but you will feel a lot less stressed out if you know that you have the answers tucked away in your room.
* These are just a few I have found if you have other good ones feel free to share!
21 Responses
This is a wonderful resource for resources. Thank you!
Thank you for this resource! When I clicked on the link for the articulation development chart it said error.
I also got an error.
I reattached the link so everything should be good to go. Thanks for letting me know!
I cannot access the bell chart quick reference sheet
Are you having difficulty downloading the file itself or accessing the page where all the freebies are? Feel free to email me at thespeechbubbleslp@gmail.com for more help 🙂
Great collection of resources–thanks!
Is there a way to download that beautiful “Quick Reference Chart”?
You can access the checklist from the Subscribers Only section on my site. You can gain access if you have joined my newsletter.
I would like to download the Phonological Processes Chart. How would I go about doing this?
All you need to do is sign up for my newsletter and you will get access to the Subscriber Only section on the site that where the chart is.
Great resources! Thank you! Is there a place we can find the quick reference chart that is next to the email/ follow? I tried to print it, but it looks a little blurry! I love it and was hoping to find it a little clearer!
Thank you again!
When you click the download button in the Subscriber Only section it will take you to the Dropbox link where the chart is housed. Give it a minute to fully download before printing. I would also suggest trying to download and print from a different computer or using a different browser.
When I go to the subscribers only section, it asks for a password and it will not load anything.
When you get to the subscriber page just enter in the password that received in your confirmation email and you should get access to the free library.
Thank you for the resources!
I am having trouble downloading the quick reference chart. All of the other resources on the subscriber only page (the oral motor exam, meet the SLP, etc) have a clickable link before the picture. When I try to click the reference chart, there is no link. I have looked other places on the page as well and am unable to get it. I have already subscribed and put in the password. Is there something else I can do??
Hi Katelyn,
It looks like so many people went to link at once that it crashed. It has been updated and should be good to go 🙂
Hi there! I’m having trouble accessing #1 (Linguisystems) and #4 (Articulation) on the list. The websites appear to not be found?? Thanks!
Those forms have been removed from those sites 🙁 I have not found images I liked better so I have kept them on the site
HI, I love your ideas and everything on TpT! Where can I find access to the Quick Reference Chart with the Bell Curve, PA chart and Sound Acquisition Chart? I’ve looked everywhere and can’t seem to find it. I am a new SLPA and think it would be super helpful. 🙂 Hope to hear from you soon!
You can access them all in The Speech Room section on my site. Just enter the password you got when you signed up for my emails 🙂