Go from organized chaos to chaos that's organized. Here you will find ideas that have actually worked to reduce clutter and keep work streamlined.
In ADHD for SLPs (Speech-Language Pathologists) Many agree that there is nothing greater about our field than its amazing diversity. I have been told by my mentors several times, “you ...
Magic Mirror/Green Screen Activity for Google Meet
Recently, I saw someone post this amazing activity where they used Zoom's Virtual Background feature and a green peice of paper on a magnifying glass to create a Magic Mirror ...
Chrome Extensions for SLPs
So let's just jump into this. If you are using Google Meets for teletherapy then you have probably noticed some differences compared to other platforms. Things like easy annotation, screen ...
How to Defog a Clear Window Mask for Speech Therapy
Back to school for the 2020-2021 school year is looking a lot different than years in the past. Aside from the regular back to school items, pencil, paper, crayons, etc ...
How to Stay Organised with Speech Therapy Annual Reviews and Evaluations
Our jobs as SLPs (Speech-language pathologists) require a lot from us. We have to screen and evaluate students, write reports, create goals, plan therapy, take data, and oh yea, have ...
Free Dynamic Assessment Mini Course
Get the basics you need to administer and analyze Dynamic Assessments in a school setting. Dynamic Assessments are great for:
- Assessing student’s language learning
- Assessing student’s with multi-lingual backgrounds
- Getting practical information to make confident decisions on eligibility and goals
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Meet Maureen
Hey there! I’m Maureen Wilson and I have been a school-based SLP for over a decade. I’m all about about helping other SLPs harness the power of literacy, language, and data to create meaning and effective therapy sessions.