I saw a bunch of people talking about Kinetic Sand on Instagram and Facebook so while I was running errands I stopped by my local craft store and took a look around. They had a sample out for people to play with so I gave it a try. This is stuff is pretty cool! The best way I can think to describe it would be if sand and play dough had a baby. It is grainy like sand but is mushy and moldable like play dough. The box says it won’t dry out so I am hoping that it keeps to its word.
I have lots of ideas for these!
– Following directions: Using molds to shape the Kinetic Sand I can have students follow directions, ” Take the blue sand and make a shark. ” If you don’t have play dough molds around, no worries. Just use candy molds. I got the one in the picture for $1.
– Describing, especially when talking about textures!
– Sensory break
– Make an object and have the student state a sentence or tell a story about it ( to work on those higher level skills ).
– Have them tell you the steps to make something ( snowman, spider, etc ) to work on sequencing
To store Kinetic Sand, I used some plastic containers. You could probably use ziploc bags too.
For more info you can watch this video 🙂
Have you used Kinetic Sand before?