Being organized I think is in the nature of an SLP. Sometimes it is a precise filing system, sometimes it is organized chaos. Unfortunately for me, the majority of the time things turn into more of the organized chaos system. I have folders for screenings, results, communication logs, RtI forms, etc… I have a lot of folders. If I needed look up a student’s screening results, then check my communication log to see when I called home, and get my student’s RtI progress sheet ready to go home, I would be in three different files in different drawers, with papers all around me. If anyone walked by my room at that moment they would have thought my filing cabinet blew up. So I decided to create an organizational binder to help consolidate my clutter and save my sanity.
It has sections for logging communications, tracking screenings and results
RtI ( consent letter, data tracking form, and progress report for home ), notes pages, testing schedule. Now I know not everyone needs to get consent for RtI but I like to have myself covered.
2 different data collection forms and a session planning sheet
I noticed that every year I bought the same spiral calendar notebook, you know the one, it has a tab for each month, a whole month portion, and then the month broken down week by week. Well, I realized that I was only using one portion of the calendar, the part that showed the whole month. I liked being able to see my entire month’s events at once instead of flipping through the weeks. So there are monthly calendars for 2013-2015, as well as, yearly calendars for 2013-2015. The yearly calendars are a great way to keep track of student attendance.
I recommend getting a big 3 ring binder, tabs, and some plastic page sleeves. Laminate each cover, there is one for each section, and attach a tab to it for easy locating. Then for each page, place it in a plastic sleeve with the most recent one being used in front. That way you have new ones ready to go and all in one place. Since there are so many calendars, I recommend putting them in a plastic sleeve and placing the current month in the plastic sleeve on the back of the binder for quick access, or you can simply leave it in the plastic sleeve. I did include how to use the two different data sheets. One is a general data sheet and one is geared to be more specific in terms of data collection.
If you want to be a little more organized and less organized chaos you can visit my TpT store to check my organization binder.
* This binder is made to assist with the general needs of most SLPs, if you do need specialty sheets please email me at
3 Responses
I bought mine a while ago and I just printed it out yesterday. This will be a great time saver! Thanks
Hi Julie,
I am so glad this will help you out 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by my store.