Speech Therapy Curriculum Night. That night of the new school year when parents come in and listen to all that their child is to learn that year. The teachers have their presentations and handouts ready. It’s all hustle and bustle in the hallway as parents search for their child’s classroom. Then there’s me, the SLP, sitting lonely in my office working on IEP’s and planning, because really, what else was I going to do while at school on a Tuesday night?
I had to be there but was trying to figure out why. I didn’t have a curriculum to go through. No parents stopped by my room with questions, but nonetheless, I had to be there. Well, this year, things are changing and Speech Therapy Curriculum Night will be the place to be!
This year, I will not be sitting lonely in my office working on paperwork and secretly hoping a person, any person, would stop by my room and give me someone to talk to. This year, I am turning this night into a positive and will be inviting parents to come to the Speech Therapy Curriculum Night!
What is a Speech Therapy Curriculum Night? Great question. A Speech Therapy Curriculum Night is when parents can come in and listen to what types of activities may occur in speech. It is also a time to go over speech homework folders (if you use them), the best way, why, and when to contact you. I am sending home this can’t miss flyer thanks to Astro Bright paper.
You may notice that on the flyer it specifically states that questions about student specific IEP’s will not be taken during that time. Questions regarding individual child goals, supports, and minutes will not be addressed during the curriculum night. The purpose of a Speech Curriculum Night is to inform parents about what speech therapy is in the school, what types of activities may be used, as well as student and parent expectations for participating in speech therapy. Some things you may want to consider talking about:
- Your background: Where you went to school, how long you have been working, etc.
- What parents can expect their children to do in speech, i.e. Do you do 5 minute artic, do you use the EET during language therapy?, etc.
- What you expect from parents and students: Speech work to be completed ( make sure you convey the importance of it ), if they have questions to reach out to you, etc.
My hope is that by front loading the information at the very beginning of the year, it will help to:
- Ease parent concerns
- Open a line of positive communication, and
- Reduce the chances for confusion regarding my therapy procedures.
Something I am also attaching to the flyer going home is a Meet the SLP handout. You can find the Meet The SLP handouts in my Subscriber Library. This lets parents get to know a bit about me before they meet me and hopefully feel more comfortable coming in.
Something you can do too, if you want to sweeten the deal and possibly entice more parents to come, is provide a special family speech activity that the parents can pick up at your presentation. I am not doing this because I have some families with food allergies. If you want to, you can use popcorn. You can attach some ideas for how to use popcorn at home to encourage language as a family.
I’m excited to see my families, make some good connections, and start the year on a positive note. You can download the flyer for free in my TpT store.
Have you ever hosted your own curriculum night?