Looking for a sticky alternative that won’t leave your classroom messy or lose its stick after a couple uses? So many activities these days are interactive, which is wonderful! The more my kids are involved and engaged, the better. However, this means using anything I can find to make sure those little squares stick where they are supposed too every single time.
Or does it…?
Alene’s Tack it Over and Over has been a lifesaver for me on many past occasions. I used to use it all the time but totally forgot about it until I found it in my drawer one day. I was frustrated with my lack of options for perpetually sticky, mess-free substances in the speech room… So, I decided to see if Alene could save me. She did not let me down!
Using Alene’s Tack it Over and Over is almost too easy. Squeeze a dime size dot onto the back of whatever it is that you want to stick, and let it dry. Yup, that’s really it!
Wondering how well this sticky alternative maintains its adhesive qualities? I have been using this activity (Interactive Functions) for two weeks now and it is still sticking strong with no signs of weakening any time soon! That’s saying something considering how much my students love this activity.
You can find Alene’s Tack It Over and Over at any craft supply store or Amazon.
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