Learning prepositions is key to helping kids develop their ability to complete tasks and follow directions. The creative minds over at Virtual Speech Center Inc. have created a new app to help target this important area. Prepositions Journey is a fun app that targets early and common prepositions in both receptive and expressive tasks. Students can exercise these skills in three different settings: camping, island, and city, with the help of some pretty cute animal friends.
You can adjust the settings before you play. You have the option to turn off sound, alternate how many questions each student gets before switching players, automatic paging turning, and more.
Set up is super easy, simply enter the student’s name and you are ready to go.
After you have entered in your students and selected your players, you can choose the targets for each student. That means for each student you need to select a setting ( camping, island, or city ) and then the prepositions to target. You can target them either receptively or expressively. The settings you put in for a student will stay the same until you change them.
If you are targeting prepositions receptively the student’s will get an audio command such as ” Show me the fox behind the chair “. The student would then tap the correct fox.
If you are targeting prepositions in an expressive manner, the student would be asked a question such as ” Where is the squirrel?” The squirrel would be on the screen demonstrating a preposition that you had previously selected. The student would respond and you would judge if that answer is correct. If it is then the you tap the check mark. If it is incorrect, tap the ‘X’.
The app tracks student progress for you and allows you email it yourself or print for your records.
This is fun app for kids to practice and learn prepositions. The background settings are engaging without being distracting and the animals are so fun. What kid wouldn’t get a giggle out of a bunny dressed up at the beach? I really liked how you could target prepositions in expressive and receptive activities. The data tracking is straight forward and clear. If there were to be updates I would love to a graph available to data tracking and maybe a reinforcement game too. The backgrounds and animals do keep the kids interested and engaged but sometimes they need a short break. All in all, I really liked how the app was set up. I would definitely recommend this to my fellow SLPs if they were looking for resources.
You can add this app to your speech room for just $9.99, just visit iTunes 🙂
Disclaimer: This app was provided to complete this review. No other compensation was provided.