Today’s What’s Up Wednesday post is just a little quick tip/ reminder. I love all the materials that I have made or gotten from TpT ( aka the most awesome material resource ever! ). But sometimes my students want to play a different game than what I had planned. Most of the time the game they want to play has nothing to do with their goals. So remember, you can play the game and swap out the cards 🙂
Students want to play Granny’s Candies but need to work on WH-Questions, no problem. Get that game out and use the WH-Question cards. And lets not forget the the power of earned game pieces. My kids love to play Ants in the Pants ( yes, even my 5th graders ) and Connect Four, they are classic games. Depending on your taregets you can have them earn ants, checkers, etc., for each correct response. We usually can get two or three rounds of game play while also getting a good amount of trials done.
Oh and a game my kids have recently become obessed with, Yahtzee! We work on our targets for so everyone gets X amount of trails of what ever target we may be working on then everyone gets to roll once. It is surprising how movtivating one roll can be. Plus, it is a fun game that also incorporates counting ( for this little ones ) and problem solving ( which box should they check depending on the dice ).
I hope this have been a helpful reminder 🙂 What games do you tweak for your kids?
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I got a $10,000 Pyramid tin game for $5 at a local “Club” store. So I had a tournament with my 5th graders. They did miserably! (It’s a fruit. It’s red….APPLE!…No, it’s a FRUIT…it’s RED!…I SAID apple!!! – it was a strawberry). We did 4 weeks of learning basic describing skills – category, function, physical description, attributes, etc. then repeated the tournament. They were so invested in it and their 2nd tournament was amazing! (I think the 2 teams scored 3 points total during the first and 20+ during the second)