Monster Smash: Verb Tenses is the newest activity at The Speech Bubble. This is a receptive material that focuses on having students identify the the differences between verb tenses when they are presented orally. I have students who can pick out the correct verb tense when given choices on a card, but still can’t identify the correct tense if I tell them a word. This is a skill I like to target with my children as part of a progressive system to learning and using verb tenses. Being able to auditorally identify the correct verb tense allows students to form connections to the tenses and their correct suffix, or lack there of for future tense.
This activity has 24 cards for each verb tense, 4 monster smash mats, and 8 reinforcement cards to turn the activity into a game if you want.
The verb in each sentence is underlined. Read the sentence and have the student ‘SMASH’ the monster that has the correct verb tense written on it. You can play this activity as a group as well and have all the students listen and ‘SMASH’.
Smash that monster!
To turn the activity into a game you can use the reinforcement cards. There are 4 ‘Go Again’ cards and 4 ‘Lose a turn’ cards.
To add this activity to your speech room visit my store on Teachers pay Teachers.