We all know following directions is one of the most common and sometimes most difficult goals for kiddos in speech. All that is required to follow a simple direction can be a daunting task for them. I have come across some articles that have been talking about how incorporating movement into activties can help students retain information better. So I took shot and made Following Directions Fitness.
It consists of 96 one step direction cards. These cards also cover those oh so popular basic concepts: 1-10, both, above, behind, beside, between, in, in front of, near, away, on, left, and right. There are also some Feel the Burn Challenge cards that are multiple step and target before and after.
Depending on how many steps your student’s are working on, following one, two, or three step directions, that is how many cards they take. Then to target some sequencing skills, they must carry out the tasks on the cards in the order they were drawn. Most of the cards are pretty basic: point to your foot, touch your nose, etc. I am hoping to that by getting my kiddos up and moving they will be more engaged and ready to follow directions.
This is currently up on my Teachers Pay Teacher’s store: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/The-Speech-Bubble
I am hoping to take this for a test drive tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it goes!