I always get a kick out of those BuzzFeed posts, the ones that share the Top Toys Every 80s Kid Had or Back to School Products Every 90s Girl Needed. I am totally guilty of #10, #11, and had two of #15! While I was skimming through one of those posts feeling all nostalgic, I thought about how my kids would have no clue what any of these things were or why they were so awesome, but that is why they would so great to use in inferencing activities!
These items that seem archaic to my students are be great for working on past tense or sparking conversations to work on other skills. Especially, social skills for Jr. High kids. These bring up great moments to work on reading body language, asking questions, and making appropriate comments. One such instance may be helping a student understand why saying, ” Ew, I can’t believe that’s what you had back then?! ” may not be appropriate and could make someone feel bad…or really old.
32 Pictures That Will Give You School Flash Backs.
38 Things That Will Take ’80s Kids Back to Elementary School
23 Things 90’s Kids Had On Their Christmas Lists
I do recommend that you go through the lists on your own first and just choose a few items. Also, make sure the pictures you choose are appropriate for your students and setting.