Here is fun activity you can pull out if you are working on initial /s/ blends, final /sh/, or really any phoneme. Take some play dough and have the student roll it into 5 balls as they are practicing their sounds. I did one ball per word and they had to keep saying the word, while practicing their sound, as they made the ball.
After all the balls are made the student can go back and smash each ball. We were working on initial /s/ blends and final /sh/ so it was great practice, but you could easily have them target another sound/word and have the smash it what they are done. I swear, that play dough was getting beat up all day long!
2 Responses
Thanks for sharing. I’m thinking about targeting other goals using this activity. At the top of my head are vocabulary building and some expressive language goals. 😀
Simple and motivating; that’s my kind of therapy!! Wonderfully stress relieving, too. I think I’ll try it myself!