Articulation can be an SLPs bread and butter. I have friends that have caseloads that are 75% artic! Crazy, right?! I lost count about 10 hours ago with how much time I put into this new activity, but I am absolutely tickled pink to finally share it with you. Introducing, Build-a-Burger Articulation!!!
20 Responses
Wow this is so amazing, I absolutely love it!
I like to work on artic with fun games!
I usually work on articulation “round robin” style. There is no guarantee that everybody in the group will be working on articulation so we “play” a game that everybody can participate in while taking turns with individual goals.
Games and quick artic drills
As previously mentioned, playing games is always a fun way for students to address articulation skills. They don’t think they are working when they are playing games. I use dice to increase number of times sound/words are repeated during a game.
I actually love to work with artic students especially when they make good progress and are able to graduate. As I tell my students, I love having them and working with them but I love when they graduate!!
I like to use games and artic pro on the ipad to work on articulation skills!
I like to use games or coloring/activity pages!
What fun! I know my students would love this!
I hope I win this product! I was going to buy it the other day, got distracted, and then the price went up when I went back to pay 🙁 Looks great!
I like to use black sheep press materials to work on aetic
I mostly do a lot of drill. I give students a worksheet/set of flash cards and have them run through all the words. Sometimes we break up the monotony by incorporating a game.
I like to start every articulation session with a “five minute drill” type activity…then we move on to a game/movement type activity if possible!
I use artic flashcards with gameboards. I use the dice in the game for the number of times the students have to repeat the word to help increase their number of opportunities to practice the sounds.
This looks great!! Very comprehensive!
So cute! “Always looking for new artic stuff!
This looks looks a great resource. I like to mix it up, drills, games and related to literature when possible.
My students love your other burger activities, so I know they would love this one as well!
Kids are always looking for games or fun activities to work on artic…so that’s what I do!
This looks like fun! Great idea!