It is no secret that I am a HUGE fan of Social Thinking! Attending their conferences, reading their books, and incorporating their materials into my sessions has helped me learn how I can support my students with social difficulties. So, I am thrilled to share one of their newest materials with you now!
Superflex Superdecks are cards that students can use to practice what they have learned from the Superflex Curriculum. Just a quick FYI, Superflex Superdecks are not meant to be used on their own. They are best used with kids ( ages 8-11 ) who are already familiar with Superflex and Social Thinking vocabulary. Now that that is out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff!
You probably want to know what comes in this activity. Superflex Superdecks comes with…*drumroll*:
– An Unthinkables Card deck with 52 cards
– A Situation Card deck with 52 cards
– A Strategy Card deck with 52 cards
– A Thinkables Card deck with 52 cards
– 4 copies of the 5 Step Power Plan Cards
– 4 copies of the Thinkables/Unthinkables reference cards
– and an Information and General Instruction booklet
Did you get all that? There is a lot going on in this box! Before you start playing this with your kiddos check out the Information and General Instruction booklet. It gives you information about all the decks and cards, how to play, and more. It will only take few minutes to go through, so I would make sure to give it a glance.
Next, we have the reference cards. You get 4 copies of Thinkables and Unthinkables reference cards. These are great to review with your kids before playing. It has the characters and their descriptions for your kiddos to look back on if they forget or need some clarification.
You also get 4 copies of the 5 Step Power Plan. These cards have the Power Pals who can help your students review the steps to take when a difficult situation comes up.
When you play you have a few options. Use the backs of the Thinkables and Unthinkables Answer Sheet cards for how to play different games. When using the Thinkables cards you can play Put’em to Rest. The students would draw a Thinkables card and state what Unthinkable they defeat or put to rest. When you play using the Unthinkables cards you can play On the Scene! Students draw an Unthinkables card and share a time and situation when that particular character may make an appearance.
With the Situations card deck, students will choose a card and read the situation. They need to use their super social skills to figure out which Unthinkable is at work. Having the character reference cards on hand for this activity is a good idea, as well as, the Answer Sheet for Situations ( it’s on the back of the instructions card ). I really liked how the situations were ones that occur on a somewhat daily basis in my kids’ school day. To me, this meant lots of chance for application of skills in the gen. ed setting!
I loved the Strategy card deck! Students read the strategy on the card and try to figure out which Unthinkable could be defeated using that strategy. This is a tough skill for my kids so I am looking forward to using this deck with them. Again, having the Strategy card answer sheet ( it’s on the back of the instructions card ) on hand is helpful.
The Superflex program is great within itself and the Superflex Superdecks are a wonderful addition. They offer the ability to review the skills your students have learned and do it in a fun way. Even though the decks come with some ‘pre-made’ game play suggestions, it is definitely ‘flexible’ ( pun intended ) to however you need to use it with your kids. With so many way to use the cards and play the games it is definitely a material worth having if you use Social Thinking!
You can this super awesome deck to your speech room for $40.00 by stopping by the Social Thinking website.
*This material was provided for the purposes of completing this review. No other forms of compensation were provided. The thoughts and opinions are my own 🙂