I am thrilled to announce that I am joining the hive as a collaborator over at Speechie Freebies! I am so excited to join such awesome and creative SLPs and I am looking forward to sharing more freebies with you 🙂 So let’s get started!
The other day I was working with one of my social skills groups on responding during particularly difficult situations. As we discussed the situations and what to say, I ended up writing down responses and almost making a flow chart/organizer. So, I thought using a graphic organizer to ‘map’ out responses may be something to try, turns out it was pretty fun 🙂
I had gotten this great book of organizers over break and had been itching to use it, so this was perfect! We used the box at the bottom to set up a situation and then we wrote possible ( appropriate ) responses in the speech bubbles. The kids really liked decorating the organizer.
If you don’t have this book, not a problem, I’ve gotcha covered . I decided to make a social response organizer of my own. At the bottom, the student can write ( or draw ) what the situation may be: introducing yourself, joining and activity, losing at a game, etc. In the center the student can draw how they might look or feel during this situation. Finally, the student can write ( or draw depending on age ) possible ways to respond to these situations. You can download this social response organizer from my TpT store.