Wow, day 4! Thank you so much for celebrating with my this week, I hope you have been having a good time 🙂 The activities in today’s bundle are…
Social Group Curriculum by Speech Peeps
Flip Flap Knock Knock Jokes by Speech2U
Community Helpers by Simply Speech
Itty Bitty Books for Artic by School House Talk
Why and Because by Tech’n Talk SLPs
Inferencing for a Year by The Speech Bubble <– yup that’s me!
11 Responses
I follow the Speech bloggers on TPT, Pintrest, Facebook, emails, etc. I am obsessed with reading all the tips and getting new products. Thanks for all that you do for our profession and the kids. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity too!
I do follow several SLP bloggers but don’t make it over to Pinterest very often to check….
I definitely follow SLPs on Pinterest. There are so many great ideas, resources, & other information available. I feel that my skills have improved as a direct result of getting more involved in obtaining information online through Pinterest, blogs, & TPT!
Sarah G.
Pinterest has so many great ideas whether they are “stricty: speech related or not. I think I have something like 14 speech related boards. I try to keep things separated into groups or themes. I follow a ton of people too!
Pinterest is my favorite way to follow SLP bloggers!
I love following SLP blogs on Bloglovin, Facebook and Pinterest. They post wonderful ideas all the time! As an SLP in my CF year, they’re a lifesaver!
I follow several SLPs for ideas
Yes I have started following several bloggers on Pintrest. It has been a valuable resource!
I do follow SLP’s on pinterest, and I get lots of GREAT ideas! The problem is I rarely follow through with the pinterest ideas-I have better personal follow through with the things I look at on FB/blogs and then Teachers Pay Teachers! I need to get better at using my pinterest resources!
I get great ideas from pinterest!
Pinterest is awesome! It really helps me build up my “tool box”.