Every year EduBlog invites bloggers to nominate different blogs for recognition. These are blogs that I found to be creative, influential, and of course, entertaining. I can only hope one day to be among the ranks of these talented minds, but until then, I am thrilled to acknowledge them.
Best Individual Blog: Sublime Speech
Best Group Blog: Speechie Freebies
Best Student Blog: Speechy Musings
I have LOVED this blogging adventure I started and I am so grateful to be able to share with you all. I wish I could nominate all the incredible bloggers that I have met because they have all inspired me. Make sure you check out these great blogs if you haven’t yet!
More great blogs to check out:
2 Responses
You are the absolute best, Maureen!! Thank you so, so much for the nomination! I also love the links at the bottom of your post, I think I’ll add that to mine 🙂