Last week, tragedy struck the town of Moore, OK. A devastating tornado swept through the town, leveling homes, buildings, and schools. Many lives were changed that day. People lost loved ones, homes, and treasures. The lives of the SLPs who worked in the schools that were destroyed were changed that day as well. All of their materials were lost. The activities that their students enjoyed and learned from, gone.
I like to think that no matter where we are, we SLPs are a united community. It is in our nature to be compassionate and want to help. Now we have a chance to help support our fellow SLPs in need. Your favorite SLP bloggers have created a bundle of their best materials. There are over 40 materials compiled into a bundle that has an estimated worth of over $100. You can get this incredile bundle for just $15!!! The best part of it all ( aside from getting a whole bunch of awesome activities ) is that all the proceeds will be going to the SLPs in Moore to help them rebuild their supplies.
For more information please visit Major Speech Pathology Fun by a Minor Girl. Amy Minor, author of this great blog, is an SLP and resident in OK where the tornadoes hit. She has written a post containing more information about the events.
Also, stop by and like the Facebook page created to keep you informed about the events that will be going on to help support these SLPs.
To help donate to this amazing group of SLPs visit the TpT store created especially for event! Just $15 gets your oodles of amazing activities ( worth over $100 ) and all the proceeds go the Moore SLPs.
2 Responses
LOVE this idea! Thanks SO much for allowing us a way to contribute to the cause. I’ve already purchased both bundles and can’t wait to go through and enjoy them this summer! Do you think we could get a total amount of money contributed at some point?
Hi vicki b,
Thank you so much for contributing, it is very generous of you 🙂 Currently the total is over $5200 and hopefully will continue grow! I am so proud to be a part of such a compassionate profession. Thank you again for contributing!