I have a lot of students this year with receptive language goals. I was starting to run out of things to do with them since we had done all the WH- question decks I had and gone through all of the listening comprehension materials. So I created Receptive Language Circus.
Following Directions Folleys has 48 following directions cards: 18 one step directions, 18 two step quantitative or spatial directions, and 12 conditional direction cards. There are also pie cards that make you loose a turn.
Big Top WH-Questions has 96 questions cards, 24 for each: WHO, WHEN, WHERE, and WHAT. There are special blue ticket cards that give you an extra turn!
Juggling Listening Comprehension can be used to target either main idea or summarizing, it is all about how you want to approach it. There are 36 story cards: 12 two sentence stories, 12 three sentence stories, and 12 four sentence stories. Watch out for ‘drop the ball’ cards that make you lose a turn.
High Wire Inferencing has 24 inferencing cards: 12 inferencing clue cards and 12 inferencing story cards. Inferencing clue cards have three clues and the students must use the information to infer who or what the card is talking about. The inferencing story cards are short 2-3 sentence stories that gives the student a scenerio that asks them an inferential question about it and asks them to support it by telling how they came to that idea. You can use the clue cards first and build to the story cards to increase the difficulty.
Finally there is Center Ring Predicting. This activity has 18 prediction short prediction stories. Read the 2- 3 sentence stories then ask the student what will probably happen next and how they came the that conclusion, what clues did they use.
There are reference mats for each activity to put in the middle of the table for students to refer back to if they get distracted or forget what their target is. You can go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store, The Speech Bubble , if you want to add this activity to your speech room. I am in the process of creating expressive, grammar, and social skill activities as well. I love a good theme!