Goal writing can be tricky sometimes, especially when we are trying to figure just how we want to tackle a skill deficit. Luckily, for some nerdy reason ?, goal writing is my JAM! I always write following a S.M.A.R.T goal format Also SMART Goal Bank. Below you will find examples of Objectives/Short Term (ST) goals.
Please feel free to use any of these as a base to create goals for your students but be sure to align the goals to your student’s timeline and ability ??
Helpful posts to check out before you read: Prompts and Cues…yes, they are different
I have several resources geared to goal writing and data collection. If you feel shaky on goals you may want to check out this mini-course. You can follow my TpT store to make sure you don’t miss any new additions as well as Instagram and Facebook where I frequently share lots of data and goal tips.
TIP: When writing goals for lists ( vocab, categories, labeling, etc ) explicitly state the targeted words you are going to work on in the notes section of the IEP! This will make your data collection a breeze since you will know what to target. If the students masters the list, high five! Create a new list, discuss it will parents ( and IEP team if necessary), complete an amendment to the IEP and keep on rolling.

Expressive Language: SMART Goal Bank
- When presented with a targeted picture, STUDENT will accurately label the picture with no more than two verbal or visual prompt/cues with 80% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- When presented with a visual field of 4 pictures, STUDENT will accurately label the picture stated by the clinician with no additional prompts or cues and 70% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- After being shown a picture scene, STUDENT will state the locations of various objects by correctly using spatial basic concepts terms with no more than two verbal or visual prompts/cues and 70% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- When presented with a picture of a targeted object, STUDENT will accurately state the function of the object with no more than one verbal/visual prompt or cue with 60% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- When verbally told a list of 3 items, STUDENT will state the accurate category that the items belong to with no more than two verbal or visual prompts/cues and 70% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- When told given a targeted category, STUDENT will state at least different items that would be included in the category with no additional prompts or cues and 80% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- After being told a targeted word, STUDENT will state a correct synonym for the word with no more than two verbal or visual prompts/cues and 60% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- After being told a targeted word, STUDENT will state a correct antonym for the word with no more than two verbal or visual prompts/cues and 60% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- After being presented with pictures of two items, STUDENT will accurately state at least one way the items are similar with no more than one verbal or visual prompt/cue and 80% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- After being presented with pictures of two items, STUDENT will accurately state at least one way the items are different with no more than one verbal or visual prompt/cue and 80% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- After being shown a picture of an object, STUDENT will describe the object by stating at least three different characteristics with no more than one verbal or visual prompt/cue and 80% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- When discussing a picture scene or event in the past tense, STUDENT will accurately utilize past tense verbs in sentences with no more than verbal or visual prompt/cue and 60% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- STUDENT will accurately complete two-step directions with no more than one verbal or visual prompt/cue with 80% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
- After being read or reading academically appropriate information, STUDENT will identify the correct answer from 3 multiple choice options with no additional prompts/cues with 80% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
-STUDENT will utilize context clue strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words in sentences with no additional prompts/cues and 80% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
-When given a targeted vocabulary word, STUDENT will correctly state the meaning of the word with no additional prompts/cues with 75% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.
– When given a multiple-meaning word, STUDENT will state at least two different meanings of the word with no more than one verbal or visual prompt/cues with 80% accuracy or better over three consecutive sessions.