Today’s What’s Up Wednesday post brings a review of ‘Secret Code Idioms’ by Speech Universe. This post actually came about as a happy accident when Jen, the creative mind behend Speech Universe, inadvertently emailed me a copy of the activity. When I looked at the activity it looked like a lot of fun, but I had no clue what those ‘scrambled looking boxes’ were. I like to call myself a ‘techie in training’ so Jen had to explain that the boxes were QR codes. The activity used them to hide the answers and then students could scan the code and check to see if their response was correct. It might be my inner nerd, but I thought this was so cool!
Some quick background on QR codes first, so you can understand the activity better. These scrambled boxes are called Quick Response ( QR ) codes. They are like a different version of a bar code. We see them everywhere, at the grocery store, in magazine ads, even on home for sale signs! Once these codes are scanned using app you can download on your smartphone, ipad, tablet etc, an embedded message pops up. Pretty awesome, right! Sublime Speech has a great post talking about QR codes, click here to check it out.
I downloaded a FREE app called Scan to my iPad that I use for work. You could use your phone, but I am hesitant to use my personal phone with my kids. Once downloaded all you need to do in open the app and make sure the QR code in aligned in the designated box. Then it will automatically pop was with the embedded message. This was SUPER easy for my kids to use and they thought it was pretty much the coolest thing ever!
This material has three different activities. The activities are leveled so there is something for everyone. The first activity contains 24 cards. They have an idiom and 3 multiple choice answers to what the phrase actually means. Once the students makes their choice they check it by using the app and QR code. The correct answer will appear on the screen of your device.
The next activity again has 24 cards. They give the student and idiom but no choices. Once they state what they think the idiom actually means, student can scan the QR code and see the correct answer.
The last activity is in a worksheet format. It has 4 idioms to a page and there are 6 pages, so 24 idioms. Same as before, the student is given a phrase and asked to determine the real meaning. They are to write down what the real meaning of the idiom is, then they can check the QR code.
The idioms are repeating throughout the activity, so this would be good for working on a targeted set of phrases. My kids had so much fun with this! They were engaged the entire time and very interested in what the QR Scan app said, even if it wasn’t their turn. Most of our students have exposure to technology, much more so than most of us did at their age, so anything they can incorporate that area is engaging. This was a great activity. It incorporated technology and made what can be a difficulty task ( primarily for my friends on the spectrum ) much more fun. They ask to play the ‘code game’still . To add this awesome game to your resources you can visit her TpT store. To check out her blog and see her review of one of my activities click here.