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Cyber Monday is one of my favorite shopping days of the year 🙂   The sales, the savings, the activities!!! One of the things I enjoy is seeing what other people got during sale, but then I usually see some things that I wish I would have gotten as well.  So to help you with some of those crucial shopping decisions, here are my the top items on my wishlist that will be heading into my cart.  I am linking up with Jenna over at Speech Room News to share my fav items. Make sure you click the picture above and see what other SLPs have in their cart, it may be something you want to add to yours!



First though, here are some items at my store that you may find your speech room has been missing. A link to my store is at the bottom of the post.

Build a Burger Social Skills

                        Data and Information Binder

A Stocking Full of Language

  Camp Go Together







Now here is what is in my cart!



1. Social Skills Breaks by thedabblingspeechie

This is just what I need for my social skill groups.  I can target multiple social skills in one session or use them as a quick refresher/reminder for my students.


2. Informational Reading Passages with Comprehension Questions: Wonders/Mysteries by LittleRed

I have a lot of students working on comprehension goals.  I wanted to find more non-fiction text for my students to use when we were working on these goals,  especially with the Common Core push for use of non-fiction. I actually have a few of these packets from LittleRed on my wishlist.  With 20 passages per packet they will last me and my students a while, plus they have lots of interesting topics!



3. Fluency Homework Labels by Jenna Rayburn

Recently, I have had quite the influx of students with fluency needs.  These labels will be make providing homework soo much easier for my kids.



4. Can I Take Your Order: Receptive Language Activity by Teach Speech 365

This looked to cute to pass up! I love the functional aspect to it and the graphics are super cute.


5. Common Core Reference Binder by Speechy Musings

This is a big purchase for me, but with all the information that comes with it, it is well worth it.  There are screenings, assessments,  activities, and more!

If you saw something at my store that you forgot to add to your wishlist you can CLICK HERE and take a look around.


Here are some other awesome activities that are on my wishlist that you may want to check out:

Perspective Taking: Photo Activities for Emotions and Thinking About Reactions by Jenna Rayburn

Common Core RtI Assessments for Language  K-2 by Lauren LaCour

Superhero Storytelling by Jenn Alcorn



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Meet Maureen

Hey there! I’m Maureen Wilson, a school-base SLP who is data driven and caffeine powered. My passion is supporting other pediatric SLPs by teaching them how to harness the power of literacy and data to help their students achieve their goals…without sacrificing time they don’t have.

Free Dynamic Assessment Mini Course

Dynamic Assessment Mini Course

Get the basics you need to administer and analyze Dynamic Assessments in a school setting.  Dynamic Assessments are great for:

  • Assessing student’s language learning
  • Assessing student’s with multi-lingual backgrounds
  • Getting practical information to make confident decisions on eligibility and goals

Featured Products

Sentence Sidekick Bundle

Language Rubrics: A Progress Monitoring and Data Tracking Tool

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